Thursday, August 31, 2006

some reading
interesting observations about our failure-in-chief:

... basically saying that the most common ways in which he has been perceived as succeeding and failing (9/11 and katrina, respectively) could actually be examples of the complete oppositte in the longer term (a failure in response to 9/11 and a success in response to Katrina)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

columbia hospital grafitti

ok, went columbia hospital the other day and on the way in saw this somewhat disturbing tag:


then got to the bathroom and saw this one:

COPE (was here)

... just thought it was an interesting juxtaposition and kind of curious that these hospital-related terms were grafitti'ed on a hospital.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

guitar spooning

Heard this story on NPR's all things considered today

Guitarist Behind 'Canon' Video Revealed []

... then went and wathced the videos on youtube.

The dude relentlessly wank-rocking out was ok, but I really loved the spoon-slider guy.
From a comment on the youtube page I googled and came across this a link to this movie:
Karoo Kitaar Blues
looks awesome ... I gotta go watch it.