Monday, March 26, 2007

web2.0 uncoverd

Alot of people ask me, "what is this 'web 2.0' stuff all about?" To which I never really knew what to reply. Until now. I cracked the code. the key to starting a web 2.0 business is:
1. put a random number in your business name, or
2. delete the last vowel from your name.
the 43's: (slimtimer)



isolatr, and its big competitor, socializr

Thursday, March 22, 2007

tenor saw, skateland, mmmassive

Some of the best videos on YouTube are the few floating around of these old early dancehall parties in Kingston Jamaica. And my favorite of all those is the mmmmmmassive rrrankin'est skankin'est a'dem all, Tenor Saw. takin it live n direct at Skateland. with Nicodemus and others. ere dis:

n more where dat a'come:
YouTube, search Skateland (ignore the skating videos)

By the way, if you don't know the tragic story of Tenor Saw its time ta lern aboooot eeet:
Tenor Saw, aka Clive Bright [wikipedia]
huge reggae sensation in Jamaica, finally came to the US, was sure to make it big, got hit by a car and died in Texas. as if we needed another reason to hate Texas.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

daily crappy craps again

Those sample sale loving bimbos over at Daily Candy are at it again. Longest day of the year? what? I guess on the subway to work this morning someone must've read in am New York that today was the "equinox". Equinox, ladies. Not the longest day (aka, "solstice"). Which, if you paused to think about for 2 seconds you'd realize would be sometime in summer right? Anyone want to go buy some anti-wrinkle cream though? No really. Natch. obvs. Its fab. hearts!

Monday, March 19, 2007

could I get mushrooms, bell peppers and The Onion with that?

cameraphone pic that I took of an ACTUAL headline from the Daily News the day after the Greenwich Village shooting that left 4 dead. such an amazingly ridiculous awful joke of a headline.

also, (via the Gothamist link above) here is the shooter's personal webpage for his filmmaking career:
wonder how long that will stay up.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

this is what it sounds like

what it sounds like when doves cry.

... apropos of nothing.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

to prove to move in my own way

great live version of Fiona Apple's amazing "Extraordinary Machine" -- which maybe possibly just might feel like my theme song these days.

Friday, March 02, 2007

like dunking on dr ruth

while over at the Intelligencer, I noticed this post:

Air Jordan Fouled by WorldCom!

Is this not completely in poor taste? Thousands of employees lose their retirement savings and Jordan is suing for $8mil? I mean, its fine and right for him to get what is owed him ... but I hope he takes some of that money and helps some of the "fouled" employees who really need it.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

what up my n-word

The most interesting article I've read thus far on the City Council's "n-word" ban focuses on activist and poet Felipe Luciano. He says,
"I used the word nigger to defuse its negativity. When Puerto Ricans call each other the Spanish word 'negro,' it reflects feelings of love." ... Luciano says he understands "the impulse to put up a united front against words that marginalize and stereotype. But morally condemning a word without looking at the substantive problem simply applies a Band-Aid."

I completely agree with that sentiment. ya know if you think about it, and think who this "ban" is really affecting, the ironic thing is that it could actually be construed as a racist policy. Luckily it is a symbolic gesture only. But who's actions are being banned?

Pol and Poet Wouldn't Support N-Word Ban []

conspicuous computation

people using computers in weird strange uncomfortable conspicuous places.
usually with macs.
a new trend that is sweeping the nation.
does using ipods fall into this category? I think so.