Wednesday, February 08, 2006

what a Deutsch-bag

Right-on to this analysis of the George C. Deutsch / NASA situation by Joshua Micah Marshall at .

How many absurdly pathetic and transparent instances of cronyism are we going to have to suffer through before people really start realizing this as a pattern.

A quoted passage from the post:
It's worth taking note of the word choice [in Deutsch's memo to NASA] because it captures the mix of obscurantism and relativism which has characterized all the Bush administration's attitude about science and, really, pretty much all empirically based knowledge -- something we discussed at length here.

The rub here is the failure to see that knowledge which has been subjected to and survived -- indeed been strengthened by -- empirical and theoretical scrutiny stands on a higher footing than information that hasn't. This isn't pedantry. Nor is this some obscure alcove in the science curriculum.

This mindset -- obscurantism and relativism duking it out to be of most use in the pursuit of power -- suffuses the Bush administration: a lack of respect for facts and the set of tools we use to discern factual information from chatter and bombast.

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