Wednesday, September 13, 2006

diebold voting machine hack demonstration

from OVC:
As you may know -- reported on CNN last month -- we have a Diebold TS paperless Direct Record Electronic (DRE) voting machine. We learned today that a group at Princeton has the same make and model. They have produced an elegant hack showing how votes could be stolen on such a system.

They developed working demonstrations of attacks that could be introduced and spread without detection. This is devastating news to die-hard supporters of Diebold paperless systems. Watch the video here. It's great!

But such a hack requires some insider help. Officials always dismiss the threat of insider attacks. OVC founding member and contributor, Charlie Strauss, passed along this information today:

... the same [Department of Justice] Report noted that a total of
1,213 public officials had been federally charged with corruption
in 2004, that 1,020 of them had been convicted of corruption, and
that 419 cases remained pending. In other words, according to
the DOJ's own findings, the problem of corruption among public
officials is at the very least ten times worse than the problem of
citizens cheating in elections.

So when they say "trust us," remember that the machines they're talking about have proven untrustworthy and government officials are freqently untrustworthy too.

Read the rest here:

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