Thursday, September 14, 2006

today's nytimes roundup

  • interesting interview with Richard L. Berke, Assistant Managing Editor of the NY Times
    ... about the role of editors in journalism, etc.

  • an article about a book about the army and the draft. its by a conservative guy who at least claims to be attempting to have an honest, apolitical discussion about a very controversial issue:
    What if They Gave a War and No One Showed Up?

  • "Living Design" ... From Aeron to Airstream, Things That Work
    I'm kind of sick of all this talk about design this, design that, design your life so everything will be sleek and modern and Ikea-looking ... bla bla bla
    but this looks interesting.

  • more shit to make you want to go party:
    all about MisShapes

  • annd, a little real news,
    Judge Says Hussein Was No Dictator
    The whole trial of Saddam is so bizarre. How can you put a political leader on trial? Sadam is on trial for killing 50,000 Kurds? That is an awful heinus crime, but what about Darfur? There is a real genocide no one seems to care about. And what about the 20,000+ people that have died as a result of George Bush's war? Were all those lives worth it to settle some score about 50,000 Kurds? It is such a joke.
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