Thursday, October 19, 2006

chris floyd is afraid of science

ok, Chris Floyd at truthout going all alarmist and conspiracy theorist (was going to link to New Yorker's article last week on this subject but can't find a link) about some funding that was given to a research project at Cornell and other schools. This is tangentially related to some stuff I do at work. Saying that this program should not exist is kind of like saying that we should stop companies from making faster microchips or something ("but the Bush administration might use them to more quickly stifle civil liberties!") Science shouldn't be stifled just because we have a repugnant would-be fascist regime in charge. This is a cool project that will advance human knowledge. Now lets get a new administration in office that doesnt laugh in the face of checks and balances.
Sentimental Education: Academia Signs Up to Track Down Dissent [truthout]

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