Wednesday, November 15, 2006

On Relating, Redux ...

Everybody knows it was Larry David who once famously said that "a relationship, I think, is like a shark. You know? It has to constantly move forward or it dies."[1]

I was reminded of this today when I came across this painting by one of my new favorite artists, Joe Heaps:
   Shark []

In my personal opinion though I think this piece of his more accurately evokes my current thoughts about relationships:
   Interstate Trucking []
A masculine and feminine vessel, traveling down the road of life, riding together at the same speed for a while. Its like a "body meets a body comin' thro' the rye" kind of a thing. Hopefully everyone is lucky enough to find someone they can ride with for a while ... and not get split up by ferraris speeding by in the passing lane. or bumps in the road. or detours. or one truck getting a flat tire. ok, analogy now taken to nauseating extreme.

(and I'm kidding of course, that is a Woody Allen quote from my favorite of his movies.)

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