Friday, September 22, 2006

cringely on itv


Thursday, September 21, 2006

the day's linkage

On my I'd-like-to-read-this-but-don't-have-time list for today:

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

chair-man of the dotcom board

Here's a pretty hilarious article in this month's New York magazine about Bill Stumpf, the designer of Herman Miller's legendary aeron chair, who recently passed away.

Remembering the Dot-Com Throne [nymag]

My most poignant aeron chair memory would have to be when ArsDigita moved offices and I was helping to unload dozens of these beauties from the 30' moving truck (which I had only moments earlier gotten wedged on the steep incline of Le Conte Ave.) and it seemed like half of them had broken during the move. We were just chucking aside these damanged $1000-dollar chairs into a big pile in the corner. oh, those were the days.

May he rest in peace on the big aeron in the sky -- his lumbar fully supported and seat-area well ventilated. Programmers everywhere salute you.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

mean MUGgin

I really liked today's MUG:
Media: Detonation Nation

... I even liked the joe's nyc picture ... which i almost never do:
West 29th St, 9/19/2006

And this story about this Nancy Grace woman is crazy ... I always seem to catch her show while watching TV on JetBlue ... and its always nauseating.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

gearing up for winter

... and loving the new APC stuff:

Friday, September 15, 2006

how now chow chow

wow, I'm somehow just finding out about this now. Big news. Chowhound acquired by cnet. Finally some decent software running the site. Hopefully at no sacrifice to the quality.

  • info on the chowhound faq
  • covers the story (archived)
  • and probably most informative of all, professor salt interviews founder Jim Leff
  • Thursday, September 14, 2006

    bush today

    El Pres on Today with Matt Lauer, looking totally nuts.

    [Update: link fixed. Thanks James!]

    pure potential project

    Love this idea:
    Jonathan Safran Foer collected emtpy sheets of paper from a group of writers, building "a museum of pure potential".

    Love kottke.

    Love all around.
    (not so much love for JSF actually, but whatever -- still a good idea)

    today's nytimes roundup

  • interesting interview with Richard L. Berke, Assistant Managing Editor of the NY Times
    ... about the role of editors in journalism, etc.

  • an article about a book about the army and the draft. its by a conservative guy who at least claims to be attempting to have an honest, apolitical discussion about a very controversial issue:
    What if They Gave a War and No One Showed Up?

  • "Living Design" ... From Aeron to Airstream, Things That Work
    I'm kind of sick of all this talk about design this, design that, design your life so everything will be sleek and modern and Ikea-looking ... bla bla bla
    but this looks interesting.

  • more shit to make you want to go party:
    all about MisShapes

  • annd, a little real news,
    Judge Says Hussein Was No Dictator
    The whole trial of Saddam is so bizarre. How can you put a political leader on trial? Sadam is on trial for killing 50,000 Kurds? That is an awful heinus crime, but what about Darfur? There is a real genocide no one seems to care about. And what about the 20,000+ people that have died as a result of George Bush's war? Were all those lives worth it to settle some score about 50,000 Kurds? It is such a joke.
  • Wednesday, September 13, 2006

    lonely world no longer

    All about lonelygirl15.

    So everyone knows this was a fraud now ... but I still find the whole thing so compeltely fascinating. This is like the birth of a new medium. Kind of like how people say reality TV was born with MTV's Real World experiment (the first season of which I really liked actually) ... the difference here though is that its just dramatically reducing overheard and barriers to entry to distribution for content creators. ... I'm looking forward to this new era of totally distributed content creation.

    Virginia Hefernan's blog pretty much covers the story, with a collection of good links.

    Also, wikipedia has a pretty thorough explanation with alot of background more links.

    So now you know.

    diebold voting machine hack demonstration

    from OVC:
    As you may know -- reported on CNN last month -- we have a Diebold TS paperless Direct Record Electronic (DRE) voting machine. We learned today that a group at Princeton has the same make and model. They have produced an elegant hack showing how votes could be stolen on such a system.

    They developed working demonstrations of attacks that could be introduced and spread without detection. This is devastating news to die-hard supporters of Diebold paperless systems. Watch the video here. It's great!

    But such a hack requires some insider help. Officials always dismiss the threat of insider attacks. OVC founding member and contributor, Charlie Strauss, passed along this information today:

    ... the same [Department of Justice] Report noted that a total of
    1,213 public officials had been federally charged with corruption
    in 2004, that 1,020 of them had been convicted of corruption, and
    that 419 cases remained pending. In other words, according to
    the DOJ's own findings, the problem of corruption among public
    officials is at the very least ten times worse than the problem of
    citizens cheating in elections.

    So when they say "trust us," remember that the machines they're talking about have proven untrustworthy and government officials are freqently untrustworthy too.

    Read the rest here:

    more on electronic voting

    NOW segment on PBS about electronic voting (in)security:

    Thursday, September 07, 2006

    Real Suri Pics!!@!@

    you guys have got to check this out:

    Suri looks really apetizing! [PDF]

    Wednesday, September 06, 2006

    buggin out

    James sent me this "warm and fuzzy" birthday greeting:

    ... which reminded me of this cheesy video I made a few weeks ago:

    ... which, after re-watching, I realized was somewhat of a Steve Irwin parody. To which I now say: RIP, Crocodile Hunter. Fitting that you were stabbed to death in the heart by one of the creatures you loved so much.