Monday, October 23, 2006

Monday morning reading

"Photographer Clifford Ross shared his list of the necessary ingredients for invention and art at PopTech." [kottke]

More Bad News For Broken Angel [gothamist]

I was just talking to my cousin yesterday about the history of Harlem and how city policies can be racist, and here is a posting about a very relevent recent NY Times article:
Riverside Park inequality [gothamist]

"National Park Service have done some serious upgrading to the park finder." [lifehacker]
This looks really cool -- I want to take advantage of it soon.

Despite that I despise the word "ginormous", this is an interesting post about downloading free music at the internet archive. [lifehacker]

And finally, a post about an interesting list of ways to keep your kids safe online. [lifehacker]
Despite the horrible blog name ("Cool Cat teacher blog" instantly destroys this guy's credibility if you ask me) and one of my petpeeve grammatical mistakes (peruse/browse -- see "Usage Note"), I find this quite fascinating. I'm interested in anything related to the ways the internet and technology are profoundly and quietly changing our lives -- particularly with generational issues.

1 comment:

James said...

I'm still trying to parse the Washington video.