Tuesday, October 24, 2006


At my brother's suggestion I finally got around to doing some youtube searches for Iraq footage. This shit is amazing, intense, addictive, voyeuristic etc etc etc.

From the so-called Mullet Mafia. Kinda nice actually. a glimpse into soldiers passing the time and not being too assholish.

ok, craziest thing here to me was this advertisement for RAID insurance. Imagine purchasing insurance for protection in the event that your HOME gets RAIDed ... by the ARMY. Just kind of drove home the sad absurd reality for people trying to live a normal life in Baghdad.

I'll just say "pouch, human remains". sad.

just some soldiers acting acting like assholes. sad that our nation is being represented by people like this.

Some marines crushing a car with a tank. This short is slightly Michael Moore-esque. But still sad as hell.

This is just awful and really graphic. (which of course means engrossing and fascinating.)

This is just a bunch of guys shooting off some roof but its pretty intense. They are just up there blasting away at some shit for what seems like forever.

... ok I cant watch this crap anymore.

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